13 August 2011

finals, a job, delicious dinner...

Finals week is here. It's really hard to believe that the first semester will be completely over in 9 days. I'm already done with one class (online final), have one project to turn in Wednesday or Thursday, and need to study for three written finals and two final practicals.

Yes, you read the title correctly, I have a job! I will be working a few hours a couple afternoons a week with a 6 year old boy with special needs. He's very sweet - I just met him and his parents today. I'm looking forward to the learning experience, spending time with him and his family, and of course a little bit of income.

In order to motivate myself to study, I prepared a delicious dinner, if I may say so myself! Wild sockeye salmon with fresh basil, zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, carrots, celery, and onions, and some killer mashed potatoes. YUM!

And now, I will get some studying done.

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