27 June 2011

gardening update... and another new friend!

I've been here nearly 4 weeks now... my garden has been growing for just under 3.5 weeks.

Here's the update:

tomato plant - 25 june 2011

check out these tomatoes!! - 27 june 2011

zucchini, still no fruit - 27 june 2011

lettuce, looking more lettuce-like - 27 june 2011

mint growing like crazy! - 25 june 2011

The grape arbor outside my door (see it here - "new home")isn't really MY gardening, but it's still cool:

grapes - 27 june 2011
These are probably Muscadine grapes, native to the Southeast of the United States. I'm kind of curious to see how they taste, I guess they won't be ripe until august or maybe late july.

AND I mentioned another new friend! There's a little rabbit hopping around the yard, I first saw it Friday or Saturday on my porch - it was weighing the options of hopping 2 feet down to the lawn below or letting me get closer to it. It chose the 2 foot drop. I've seen it a few more times since, and finally got a picture of it today in the front of the house.

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