06 October 2011

Fall Break!

I had never heard of the concept of "Fall Break" before arriving at Emory, but I'm sure not complaining! We had 3 exams in the past 3 days, and I studied quite a bit leading up to them. This semester's coursework is definitely more difficult than last semester, largely due to the sheer quantity of information we are expected to know for each exam.

I think I might've slept 15 hours total for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights. Last night I slept 11 hours - I pretty much passed out on my futon by 9 pm and only got up to brush my teeth and move to my bed.  I think that should allow my body to revitalize.

Today (besides enjoying the chance to sleep in) was a bit of a catch-up day.  I did two loads of laundry, sorted through a bunch of papers, went rock climbing with Daniela, and now am back home eating dinner.  It certainly is nice to think I still have 3 more days off!  I'm looking forward to attempting to play tennis tomorrow, and possibly some more rock climbing before the weekend's over.

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