10 September 2011

white coat ceremony

Today was our "White Coat Ceremony" in which we were presented with - you guessed it - white coats! Here's the wikipedia link for an explanation of sorts: White coat ceremony. It's supposed to mark our transition from basic science to clinical study, however the program at Emory integrates the two from the first week of class. We filed into the pews in alphabetical order, followed by some opening remarks and a speaker. We were then robed in our white coats by Dr. Kapasi, our program director and anatomy teacher. After reciting the APTA code of ethics, we filed out again into the bright sunshine for a class picture.
Cousin Linda MacFadden was on hand for the ceremony. It was wonderful to see her, although she sadly had to leave immediately afterward.
Here's a group shot of the best dissection lab group, EVER.
Later, during the reception, Lara, Daniela, and I got a photo with the inimitable Dr. Kapasi.

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