Time has flown by! I've really enjoyed hanging out with the friends I've made at TCBC (Tucson Chinese Baptist Church), I've taken a couple more hikes, turned in a project, worked a Saturday, started another project, and continued getting out for a run at least once and sometimes three times a week.
April 27 I made my third foray into Saguaro National Park West, this time hiking the Wasson Peak Loop. The map below shows the three hikes I've made in the park, lavender, blue, and orange indicating the routes I hiked.
I started up King Canyon Wash, knowing (from internet research) that there were petroglyphs located about a mile up the canyon. Indeed, you can't miss them if you're looking to the sides of the wash at all, as there are at least a hundred located on both sides of it at the area described on the web. The coolest part about these petroglyphs was the fact I could walk right up to them and even climb up on the rocks to get close to them, of course being careful not to step on any of the drawings.
just to give an idea of the scale of the glyphs |
looking at a "corn tassel" - that's what some website called it |
After examining the glyphs on both sides of the wash, I continued on toward the peak. I encountered more abandoned mines, some of which seemed kind of silly have the label "dangerous" as they were less than 6 feet deep and pretty solid all around. Others, however, probably deserved the label and were blocked off by bars or grates in addition to barbed wire fences.
one of the more dangerous appearing abandoned mines |
The final approach to the peak was a fairly narrow ridge, it was cool to look down on either side and see hawks and vultures swooping below me. The peak itself provided 360 degree views and a cooling breeze.
peak approach |
looking toward tucson |
I stopped for lunch at the top then continued on my hike, following the loop I had chosen from the trail map. I had forgotten to bring the map I had printed and was very glad when I was able to get a data signal for my phone when I reached a trail intersection - I did not remember whether I had to turn east or south at that intersection and probably would have chosen the wrong turn without the assistance of Google maps!
abandoned building from the (abandoned) gould mine |
All in all, it was a successful hike with many beautiful views and more cactus blossoms to enjoy - cholla, prickly pear, and saguaro.
I had Monday off that week sin
ce I was working the next Saturday, so I went to check out the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, which "is a world-renowned zoo, natural history museum and botanical garden, all in one place," according to their website. It was a pretty cool place with recreated natural habitats, a lot of animals and birds, and plants with identifiers everywhere.
shortly after entering, i came across a volunteer holding this female american kestrel |
this sign described the scenery in front of me including peaks, ranges and which mountains were in mexico! |
i don't think i'd ever seen prairie dogs before this! |
My favorite exhibit was the hummingbird exhibit. First you enter a dark, black-painted room through a glass door, then you push your way through a curtain of thick, black plastic chains, and suddenly you're in a bright miniature aviary filled with small trees, shrubs, flowers, and hummingbirds! The birds fly so close you feel the air from their wings.
male anna's hummingbird |
hungry baby hummingbird - i didn't catch a photo of feeding, though i did observe it |
Another successful day on the books, then I worked Tuesday through Saturday. Friday after Bible Study at church, four of us went out for frozen yogurt before going home, so I ended up staying out pretty late. By the time Saturday evening rolled around, I was ready for a good night's sleep. Sunday after church I went to lunch with friends, then met up with some of them to play tennis - pretty entertaining since I am NOT a tennis player. It was fun and good exercise, followed by a "Cinco de Mayo celebration" - using Cinco de Mayo as an excuse to make tacos for dinner and then watch a movie.
jennifer and "uncle" les playing tennis |
Monday morning - back to the grind. I no longer feel like I'm barely hanging on, and have really enjoyed watching the progress of my patients. The biggest difference (among many) between the rehab hospital setting versus the acute care hospital setting is the length of stay and therefore the amount of time I get to spend with any one patient. Here, I get to see most patients progress to the point where they can go home safely and finish their rehabilitation while enjoying the comfort of home.