02 February 2013

forty percent

I've been here four weeks now.  Wednesday of my third week I got to attend CSM - the Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association.  I took the San Diego Trolley in from Chula Vista, avoiding the downtown traffic and parking hassles.  After picking up my badge holder at registration, I met up with some of the first year Emory PT students.  I am the only one from my class to attend since we are all over the country on our long term rotations.  I also got to see Cheryl, one of my mother's Taiko drumming friends who is a PT for Kaiser in the Bay Area.

We attended a couple of lectures, wandered the exhibit hall, explored a bit outside at lunchtime, and in the evening went to the Emory University Alumni and Faculty Reception.  It was great to see a bunch of familiar faces, and I ended up really enjoying the time in the exhibit hall talking to representatives of different PT clinics and companies about opportunities that exist.
i hung around with katherine all day
panoramic view from a cool pedestrian bridge
the inimitable and beloved "miss ella" - the emory DPT admin
The next day I got off a little early again so I headed to the Chula Vista Marina.  There was a plethora of shorebirds, including great blue herons, snowy egrets, brown pelicans, sandpiper types, ducks, coots, and of course seagulls.  I was so surprised to find that herons were nesting in a pine tree right at the marina that I tripped on a curb and tore open my big toe!
pair of brown pelicans
snowy egret
how many herons can you spot in this picture (there are six!)
I spent the weekend in South Pasadena, catching up with a friend from Berkeley.  Irene and I hadn't seen each other in 8 years!  The last time was on the San Francisco peninsula when they were up for a friend's wedding.  Back then, the kids were somewhat shy, especially B - the only way to get him to smile for a picture was to flip him upside down over my shoulder.  Now, both kids are talkative and fun, with M involved in band and softball and B getting me to pull out my old soccer skills to shoot goals on him.
eight years ago and now!  joe took the first photo, was off biking for the second
This past Wednesday I went out to the Chula Vista Marina again.  The tide was lower and there were many fewer types of birds, but the sun was out so I was able to see the heron nests better.  I also discovered that they were in a couple different trees.
two nests right next to each other
another beautiful sunset
Thursday I got off early again and headed out to Silver Strand State Beach again, this time for a run.  I ran a couple miles down the beach and half ran and half walked back.  The shells were much more numerous further from the entrance, and I found several whole sand dollars.
navy helicopter drills by the beach
sand dollars on the kelp
barefoot running on the empty beach
yet another beautiful sunset
Friday night Ron and Lisa Peterson returned from their travels, with son Eric spending the weekend to welcome them home.  Today we'll head out to lunch to celebrate Lisa's birthday.